Thursday, March 3, 2016

Oscars Speak out against Sexual Assualt

Well its that time of year again...The Oscars! There were some obvious things to take away from the evening, Leonardo DiCaprio finally winning Best Performance by an Actor in a leading role and the sad but very obvious reality of lack of color nominations. One thing that may have been over shadowed from the 88th Oscars was a part of the show when Vice President Joe Biden, introduced singer Lady Gaga. Gaga was about to sing her song, "Til It Happens to You" in which she talks about understanding sexual assault, and not knowing until it "happens to you". Vice President Biden took the moment to deliver a moving and powerful speech in which he challenged the audience attending and those at home to join together and take a stand against sexual assault. To not be a bystander, if you see something, do something! He closed by reminding everyone that its never the victims fault. When he was finished, Vice President Biden received a standing ovation for his strong message.  Although the Oscars did lack diversity in its nominations, its so pleasing to see powerful people in our country standing up for what is right!
The speech was moving, but nothing compared to the performance! Lady Gaga is already an amazing performer, but she was accompanied by men and women who were survivors of sexual assault!
I cant give it justice! The links are below...YOU HAVE TO CHECK IT OUT!!!!

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