I found this interesting post coming from Reba McEntire. I am pretty sure that even if you don't really know who she is, you have come across her face sometime on TV. Anyway, she made a great article where she gives advice on how to be successful in the work field living in a "man's world". While I do not necessarily agree with the term "man's world" because it isn't such a thing unless the whole world agrees on this term, it is inclined toward certain occupations being expected to be a man's job. While I like the article and the empowerment it gives women, there is a part that I did not really like. Under the sub header, accept and move on, she made this particular comment that although she is attempting to be empowering, in my eyes it was almost like a slap in the face.
"The first thing you’ve got to do is accept that you are a woman in a man’s world. And then, you’ve got to work harder and longer hours and dedicate yourself to being the best at what you’re doing. Give it your all. Be a self-starter."
She states that we should accept it and work harder and longer hours just to be better or how I took it, competitive enough. While I love the idea of being a hard worker and dedicated, I do not necessarily agree with having to work twice as hard just to be in line with a male counterpart. I believe that women can certainly be as good with working just the same amount of hours as men. I also do not believe in accepting this is a man's working world because although society frames it as such, ultimately it is up to us to make those changes and accepting this is almost as though we are giving them the power to decide for us, always.
This is such an interesting article! I like that you bring up "not everyone agrees with this." I agree with you when you say that women should not have to work extra hard just to be considered equal. What makes us so different? We are capable of doing the work that they do. It is important to see where the power is given and distributed.