Lately in class we have been discussing the issue of human trafficking a lot. Human trafficking has been something that I feel very strongly about for many years now. Every time I have had to write some sort of informational or research paper in school I always chose a topic related to human trafficking. Just knowing that innocent, helpless human beings are being exploited and abused each and every day breaks my heart. It has been very eye-opening to learn of all the different causes that can lead someone into a life of slavery, as well as watch multiple videos over the facts and harsh truths concerning modern day slavery.
With that said, during Christmas break this year I attended Passion, which is a huge Christian conference that has the most influential Christian speakers and musicians come out and talk or preform. One of my favorite speakers that spoke at Passion is a woman by the name of Christine Caine. Christine is an amazing woman from Australia who for an extensive portion of her life was forced to endure horrendous sexual abuse. Years later, being the strong, successful, inspiring woman that she is, she has founded an organization, called A21, that rescues woman who have been forced into human trafficking. Not only does A21 rescue woman being trafficked, it prosecutes the traffickers, works to prevent future human trafficking, protects the woman who have been rescued, and does everything it can to educate people all across the world about human trafficking.
I strongly encourage everyone to go to A21's website and read about their mission and see all of the amazing success they have had in combating the horrific battle of human trafficking.
Here's the link!:
I think that this a very great and valuable resource for everyone to be aware of in relation to this topic. I also think that more people should be putting the word out (aka when you mentioned that you write about this topic for many of your assignments) so that this awful act of human trafficking can be a more talked about and acted upon. Thank you for making us aware of this organization! As many of us have stated in class discussions, human sex trafficking, as well as any type of sexual abuse, is something we should all be more openly talking about and actively be trying to combat.